Video Resumes

TikTok is the number one platform for Gen Z to get career advice, and not surprisingly, a trending topic coming out of TikTok is video resumes. Just last week, someone asked me why I don’t talk more about video resumes. It comes down to one simple thing: Bias.

What is a video resume?

A video resume is a short video introducing yourself, highlighting your achievements, and demonstrating your enthusiasm for the role. Video resumes are gaining popularity as a way to showcase your personality and communication skills to potential employers, and in 2023, they are expected to be utilized more than ever.

What are the benefits of a video resume?

  1. Showcase your personality: Unlike a traditional, text-based resume, a video resume lets you present a more personal and authentic glimpse of yourself. This can help employers get a sense of your character and assess whether you'll be a good fit for their company culture.

  2. Demonstrate communication skills: A well-crafted video resume is a testament to your ability to present information fluently and confidently.

  3. Highlight your creativity: Creating a visually engaging and well-edited video resume can showcase your creative and technical skills, which can be particularly advantageous if you're in a field such as marketing or design.

  4. Set yourself apart from the competition: Not every applicant will have a video resume, so incorporating one into your job application can help you stand out.

Why is a video resume risky?

Wow! Sounds like video resumes are great! Not so fast. Why would we push videos while screaming, “NO PHOTOS ON YOUR RESUME!”? If you are older, a person of color, or a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, consider the possibility of being discriminated against. There is a reason photos are not put on resumes and why blind resumes (no identifiable information) are growing in popularity. Removing bias is great for everyone - employees don’t have to worry about missing out on an opportunity because of their age/color of their skin, and employers protect themselves from lawsuits.

Should I use a video resume?

Like all career advice, you will hear many opinions on this topic. I recommend skipping the latest trend until bias is removed from the hiring process. The exception would be if you are asked to complete a video resume as part of the application process. And before this comes up, let me be the first to say, “It’s a complete oxymoron to recommend people upload a photo on LinkedIn but an absolute no-no to put a photo on your resume.”


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