Stop Believing These 8 Job Search Tips - Like Seriously, Stop.

Ready to find out how much time you've wasted on useless job search advice? Brace yourself - it’s worse than you think. Navigating the job market today is not that simple but the internet throwing in a bunch of false information for good measure definitely doesn't help. In today's world where everyone seems to be an expert on something, usually means hundreds of unqualified gurus pushing their “hacks” and outdated tips that only make your job search more frustrating.

We wanted to give it to you straight - no fluff, no nonsense - on some job search myths you should look out for and share advice on what to do instead. So without further ado, here are 8 myths that just might have you feeling a little less foolish:

1. A robot (ATS) is not out to get you.

ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) aren’t as sinister as you’ve been led to believe. You've likely been led to believe that because your resume doesn't have the "right keywords" the ATS is booting it out. That is not how it works. If anything, ATS will only kick in if you do not meet the knockout questions in the application. These auto-rejections are based on clear criteria which you would've known more about if you read our article from September 🙄. Read it here if you still believe an evil robot is plotting to ruin your career:

2. White font is a clever hack.

Come on, people. Do you really think that recruiters don’t know this trick by now? Not to mention that recruiters are likely plugged into the same worldwide web you are. This is terrible advice! When a recruiter copies your resume text (yes, they do that), all those words do show up. Once again, this “hack” was so ridiculous we made a whole video about it:

3. Online applications only? Puhlease!

Look, applying online is the standard, but it's not the only way. Networking still exists. A random conversation at the dog park could turn into the job opportunity you've been looking for! Also, be sure you are checking in with friends, family, and even connections on social media for potential opportunities. Don’t limit yourself to just clicking "apply" on job boards.

4. You’re dreading the end-of-year job search drought.

This one definitely makes us giggle. The end of the year is PRIME TIME for job searching and unfortunately, most people assume that companies magically put hiring on hold. But let's put two and two together: less competition for you means a better chance of your application being in the spotlight. This is yet another discussion we’ve had on our platforms. Check out the video here:

5. Applying to 50 jobs and still no interview? Sounds like a 'You' problem.

Job searching is a quality-over-quantity game. We see the disappointment in those who are applying to hundreds of jobs lately and barely hearing back. However, you could apply to 50 jobs with a generic resume and get zero responses, or you could apply to 5 highly-targeted roles and get multiple responses. It's not about how many times you swing the bat; it’s about hitting the right pitch.

6. Cover letters are dead.

Sure, most recruiters skip them because they don’t have the time, but hiring managers? Different story. Cover letters really shouldn't be a pain to write! This is the best chance to highlight so many aspects of your experiences and skills that get left off your resume - if you really want that job, write one. Plus, hiring managers are looking at a much smaller pool of candidates, which means they do read cover letters to understand your story, your fit for the role, and your personality.

7. You only need a standout resume.

If only it were that simple, right? A killer resume is just one piece of the puzzle. You need a clear job search strategy and networking to really make your resume work and of course, land the position. It’s about combining all these elements to put yourself in the best position possible.

8. So what’s up with job gaps? *Honorable mention*

We’re all human and sometimes life happens. If a recruiter or hiring manager is skeptical of your job gap, that's their problem. Good recruiters will be open and understand that career breaks happen and in many cases can mean that the individual has valuable experiences and skills. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about your job gap.

Feeling more enlightened? Good. Now that we've gotten all of the misconceptions out of the way, it is time to take action. Head over to our newly revamped website (we’re pretty proud of it) to get started on your path of no BS job searching. And hey, while you're at it, book a call with us to fine-tune your strategy:


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